Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Lirik Syair Gus Dur dan Terjemahnya

Judul Tanpo Waton
ا ستغفرالله رب البرايا # استغفرالله من الخطايا
رب زدني علما نافعا # و وفقني عملا صالحا
يا رسول الله سلام عليك # يارفيع الشان و الدرج
عطفـة ياجيرة العالم # يااهيل الجود و الكرم

Ngawiti ingsun nglaras syi'iran # Kelawan muji maring pengeran
Kang paring rohmat lan kenikmatan # Rino wengine tanpo pitungan

Rino wengine tanpo pitungan...

Duh bolo konco priyo wanito # Ojo mung ngaji syare'at bloko
Gur pinter ndongeng nulis lan moco # Tembe mburine bakal sangsoro

Tembe mburine bakal sangsoro...

Akeh kang apal Qur'an Haditse # Seneng ngafirke marang liyane
Kafire dewe dak digatekke # Yen isih kotor ati akale

Yen isih kotor ati akale...

Gampang kabujuk nafsu angkoro # Ing pepaese gebyare donyo
Iri lan meri sugihe tonggo # Mulo atine peteng lan nisto

Mulo atine peteng lan nisto...

Ayo sedulur jo nglaleake # Wajibe ngaji sa'pranatane
Nggo ngandelake iman tauhide # Baguse sangu mulyo matine

Baguse sangu mulyo matine...

Kang aran sholeh bagus atine # Kerono mapan seri ngelmune
Laku thoriqot lan ma'rifate # Ugo haqiqot manjing rasane

Ugo haqiqot manjing rasanee...

Al-Qur'an Qodim wahyu minulyo # Tanpo tinulis iso diwoco
Iku wejangan guru waskito # Den tancepake ing jero dodo

Den tancepake ing jero dodo...

Kumantil ati lan pikiran # Mrasuk ing badan kabeh jeroan
Mu'jizat rosul dadi pedoman # Minongko dalan manjinge iman

Kelawan Alloh kang moho suci # Kudu rangkulan rino lan wengi
Ditirakati diriyadlohi # Dzikir lan suluk jo nganti lali

Dzikir lan suluk jo nganti lali...

Uripe ayem rumongso aman # Dununge roso tondo yen iman
Sabar narimo nadjan pas-pasan # Kabeh tinakdir saking pengeran

Kabeh tinakdir saking pengeran...

Kelawan konco dulur lan tonggo # Kang podo rukun ojo dursilo
Iku sunnahe rosul kang mulyo # Nabi Muhammad panutan kito

Nabi Muhammad panutan kito...

Ayo nglakoni sekabehane # Alloh kang bakal ngangkat drajate
Senadjan Asor toto dzohire # Ananging mulyo maqom drajate

Ananging mulyo maqom drajate...

Lamun palastro ing pungkasane # Ora kesasar roh lan sukmane
Den gadang Alloh swargo manggone # Utuh mayite ugo ulese

Utuh mayite ugo ulese...

يا رسول الله سلام عليك # يارفيع الشان و الدرج
عطفـة ياجيرة العالم # يااهيل الجود و الكرم

Terjemah Bahasa Indonesianya :
ا ستغفرالله رب البرايا # استغفرالله من الخطايا
رب زدني علما نافعا # و وفقني عملا صالحا
يا رسول الله سلام عليك # يارفيع الشان و الدرج
عطفـة ياجيرة العالم # يااهيل الجود و الكرم

Aku memulai menembangkan (menyanyikan) sya’ir # Dengan memuji kepada Tuhan
Yang memberi rahmat dan kenikmatan # Siang dan malam tanpa perhitungan

Wahai para sahabat pria dan wanita # jangan hanya belajar syari’at saja
Hanya pandai mendongeng (bicara),menulis dan membaca # Akhirnya hanya akan sengsara

Banyak yang hafal al-Qur’an dan hadistnya # Suka mengkafirkan orang lain
Kekafirannya sendiri tidak diperhatikan # Kalau masih kotor hati dan akalnya

Mudah tertipu nafsu Angkara # Dalam Hiasan gemerlapnya dunia
Iri dan dengki kekayaan tetangga # Maka hatinya gelap dan nista

Mari saudara jangan melupakan # Kewajiban mengaji (belajar) lengkap dengan aturannya
Untuk menebalkan iman tauhidnya # Bagusnya bekal mulia matinya

Yang disebut orang shaleh itu bagus hatinya # Karena sempurna seri keilmuannya
Melakukan thariqat dan ma’rifatnya # Juga hakekat meresap rasanya

Al-qur’an qodhim wahyu yang mulia # Tanpa ditulis bisa dibaca
Itu wejangan (pesan) guru yang waskita # Ditancapkan ke dalam dada

tergantung (tertempel) di hati dan pikiran # Merasuk ke dalam badan dan tubuh
Mu’jizat rasul ( Al-qur’an ) jadi pedoman # Sebagai jalan masuknya iman

Kepada Allah yang Maha suci # Harus berpelukan (mendekatkan diri) siang dan malam
Diusahakan dan dilatih # Dzikir dan suluk jangan sampai dilupakan

Hidupnya tentram dan merasa aman # Itulah perasaan tanda beriman
Sabar menerima meskipun (hidup) pas-pasan # Semua sudah ditakdirkan dari Tuhan

Terhadap teman , saudara dan tetangga # Rukunlah jangan bertengkar
Itu sunnah Rasul yang mulia # Nabi Muhammad suri tauladan kita

Mari jalani semuanya # Allah yang akan mengangkat derajatnya
Meskipun rendah secara lahiriah # Namun mulia kedudukan derajatnya disisi Allah

Ketika ajal telah datang di Akhir # Tidak tersesat roh dan sukma(raga)nya
Disanjung Allah surga tempatnya # Utuh (lengkap) jasadnya juga kain kafannya

يا رسول الله سلام عليك # يارفيع الشان و الدرج
عطفـة ياجيرة العالم # يااهيل الجود و الكرم

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

The Center of Calligraphy in Indonesia

A. The Birth of An Idea
The first idea to establish Lemka derived from Drs. D. Sirojuddin AR. Starting from a desire to really like fantasy, to establish such organizations or institutions to develop the fine art of writing or handwriting Arabs who became his hobby. "Fantasy" appeared in 1975, when preparing Sirojuddin completing six years of study as students Gontor Modern Cottage. It was only in 1985 that he wanted a place of birth. Thus, the time span between the desire to an ideal travel time is granted for 10 years!
In 1976 became an official student at the Faculty of Adab IAIN Sharif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The desire grew stronger, after it appeared in Jakarta more freely distribute khatnya writing talents in various publications and other agencies. But, to finish college in 1982, still remain as wishful fantasy. Although he has endeavored to find fellow khatat (the writers handwriting) to agree to make the container "shelter", the idea does not interest them at all. Looking for friends who are less committed to the college, the more impossible anymore. However, the curiosity is still turbulent. Meanwhile, paint and paint "just to yourself" boring, though admittedly has a lot of money.
A year later, 1983, there is a call to teach the courses (which incidentally is) calligraphy. Thus, a lecturer at the Faculty of Adab calligraphy into two persons, formerly Prof. H.M. Salim Fachry. Special courses in calligraphy, is a student favorite Sirojuddin Prof. H.M. Fachry Salim, because his handwriting is better than hand scratches his friends. For this, Sirojuddin commented: "Of course, because my friends are not gifted to write handwriting."
Teaching period in the first years are often filled with confusion, in the absence of implementation guidelines and BCO (Basic Course Outline) is clear. While knowledge of the history of calligraphy, as admitted by Sirojuddin, not at all because at that time possessed books on calligraphy and hard to find such problems have not been popularized. Given the opportunity to teach calligraphy should be used as an opportunity to immediately proclaim those ideals. In fact, even make the situation more awkward.
In the year '83, the Sirojuddin with Prof. H.M. Salim Fachry and Ustaz K.H.M. Abd. Muhili Razzaq al khattat from Tangerang became equally Calligraphy Competition Council of Justice National MTQ-13 in Padang. Both of the latter is Sirojuddin teachers. Abd. Razzaq handwriting is known as the author's most prominent professionals in Indonesia who scratches his arms outstretched among the hundreds of books on religion in the country. While Salim is the author of the Qur'an Fachry Heritage on orders of the late President Sukarno. When flying on a plane to Padang, the desire Sirojuddin was raised to the second teacher who immediately welcomed it saying "Thank God". In fact, Salim Fachry later said, that in fact he had long wanted the association of khattat, but how does it happen? The existence of Sirojuddin idea that makes the hearts and minds open Fachry Salim, even he felt re-energized, after a few tens of years of education leave (including calligraphy education in Madrasah Tahsinul Khutut) in Cairo, kalamnya handles encased in a wooden box and not diguriskan more. He urged Sirojuddin to immediately implement the plan. Unfortunately, the plan was, once again, displaced until two years later.
Not because "one mother contain" if the plan was repeatedly delayed. Because, in relation to: who those people will collected and how the technical? What programs will be implemented? Who are our calligraphy tutor-tutor? Where wing organizations should be developed? Once the idea began to bloom and bloom, difficulty picking and menerapkannyalah that appears. If the organization was born, how it works in that time Prof. H.M. Salim Fachry who are over 80 years has started aging, KHM Abd. Razzaq himself was close to 70 years. In Jakarta, looking for young khattat khattat-versed in the organization is also difficult.
While waiting for a way out, Sirojuddin idly develop college textbooks calligraphy. Capital: no idea of ​​the "essence" of calligraphy. He paced and borrow some books refrence to KHM Abd. Razzaq at Tangerang. To her surprise, the dictates of the planned maximum of 50 pages, growing out of control up to 430 pages. There he stopped writing. From the breadth of content dictates it, there is a very important conclusion that so reflections: that the calligraphy is very philosophical and strategic to be developed. The next surprise, when the textbook was idly thrown into penrbit (Reader Panjimas, Jakarta), then printed 5,000 copies, was discharged in 7 months. Finally Sirojuddin more convinced, that the masses will be worked really exist, and they are really waiting for guidance, as evidenced by dozens of letters he had received a complaint about the difficulty of developing talent in the area.
Nothing else should ditungu. This time Sirojuddin forced to "desperate". The trick is very simple. At night made graffiti-graffiti and reference job order spurious, only two sheets. A student who is most familiar to him as often borrow books, named ECE Abidin, was summoned. ECE, the birth of Sukabumi, at that time just sitting in the second semester of the Faculty of Adab Department of Islamic History and Culture. ECE was told to contact the class comrades who have been determined to forge an alliance cooperation. Discussions between the two men occurred on the eve of the crescent moon of Rajab 1405 AH 24 or 15 April 1985. At first his friends ECE states giddy, knowing what they know about calligraphy. But, ECE teacher who brought the message was convincing with gusto, that the important organizations were formed first. Problem later, do not mess around now. While ECE lobbied fellow students who have not experienced that organization, Sirojuddin design plans further.
The April 17, 1985 (26 Rajab 1405 AH), all components of the board is ready to receive "big idea" is, and that day is also determined as the day and date of birth Lemka. Then on April 20, 1985 (29 Rajab 1405 AH), Dean of the Faculty of Adab IAIN Jakarta Drs. Abd. Muttalib Sulaiman, gave the inaugural Faculty of Adab siding space. In addition to Daily Board, chaired by Drs. D. Sirojuddin AR, present at the meeting Prof. H.M. Fachry Salim who later served as President of Trustees. While K.H.M. Abd. Razzaq Muhili absent. The event was covered by reporters historic Panj Society Moh. Nazi load it on the magazine edition 466.
It is amazing, even the "odd half" of an institution dedicated to coaching people with talent "as the country" is only controlled by the Board which consists of a young lecturer and the student level I. at that time, all of them commented: "It's really desperate measures!"
By the Chairman Lemka, the students board the first class was regarded as the people who contributed to 'give moral force ", so the association which was originally just a personal fantasy come true and the form of common property. Learn more, the names of the students are:
1. ECE Abidin2. M. Hamid Ibrahim3. Badriati4. Brotherhood Azizi5. Ghazali Ahmad Zahir6. Ahmad Ibn Gustiri7. Nani Nur'aini8. Rd. Siti Sa'adah9. M. Anwar Amin10. LigaBukra11. Darta12. M. Nur Muvid13. Mudrik Qori Indra (semester IV)
Four days after the inauguration, which is dated 24 April 1985 (4 Sha'ban 1405 AH), successfully arranged AD / ART Lemka by Formulation Team: Drs. D. Sirojuddin AR, Badri Yatim, Asep Usman Ismail, ECE Abidin, Mudrik Qori Indra and Fuad Jabali. Five names tekahir are the students of Faculty of Adab IAIN Jakarta. After that the composition of the Board began to be refined.
B. Name and Purpose of the Institute
The name was originally planned shaft Calligraphy Chester. But, when shortened to CCP, the impression is very bad. Especially in Indonesia, the abbreviation CCP is the Communist Party of China. In addition, the words give an exclusive Chester. At first, Ciputat, indeed, expected to be the center of the development of the above ideas.
In the evening of April 18, 1985, Sirojuddin guests, namely Amin Nurdin and Badri Orphans, both his friends at boarding school since. After expressing the name, they also show disapproval. Thus was born the name of the Islamic Calligraphy Institute. However, that name will provide the load is too heavy, considering the name of Islam is too great and could be expanded. Once submitted one name anymore, Institute of calligraphy of the Qur'an, Badri and Amin agreed. Described by Sirojuddin about the reasons to take the word "Quran", namely: "the Quran as a source of ethics, when a khattat scrawled Arabic calligraphy." Thus, the dairy is the Arabic calligraphy, ethics, morals processing springs to the Qur'an . Thus, a khattat or calligrapher will always be controlled and under the protection of ideas, inspiration, creation, aesthetics and the teachings of bias reflected the desire of the Qur'an. In a simpler expression: An khattat or calligrapher must be good moral, noble character, pious and work for the glory of religion according to the teachings contained in the Holy Qur'an.
Qur'an Calligraphy Institute, at first, shortened to Lekar. But it is feared remind people to Lekra, an arts organization in the PKI underbow Old Order era. Then turn to the IFIs and eventually became Lemka. After finding the right word, the third mate was shaking hands with each other very fast at all.
At the inaugural Lemka underway, 20 April 1985, the goal Lemka presented clearly and without hesitation, namely: "The development of talent and the introduction of Islamic heritage" with businesses, among others, "Speeding up the process of popularization of art writing handwriting or calligraphy for all levels of society, especially young people, in the ground water. "
C. Status Lemka
When Lemka proclaimed, is not unthinkable that the Faculty Senate Mahasiawa Adab has existed, as the only legitimate student organizations. At the time of confirmation by the Dean of the Faculty of Adab, 20 April 1985, a member of the Faculty of Adab Sema named Ade Asnawi Lemka directly questioned the status of the position in the Faculty, whether Lemka be a full part of the Student Senate or as an autonomous institution fully or semi-autonomous. Given the objectives to be achieved Lemka too large, even among job-job beyond the senate, then Lemka placed on the Special Unit is given the freedom to create and implement their own system of stewardship and its programs.

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

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