Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Hari Kartini

Hari Kartini mengingatkanku akan kisah Mbah Sholeh Darat Semarang/KH. Sholih Ibn Umar As Samarani.

Dulu RA.Kartini Sangat kesulitan Untuk memahami arti Ayat-ayat Al Quran, dan Akhirnya Pamannya yg seorang Bupati Demak menyarankan RA.kartini untuk mengikuti Pengajian yg disampaikan oleh Mbah Sholeh Darat.Kartini meminta Mbah Sholeh Untuk menerjemahkan ayat-ayat Al-Quran. Pada Zaman itu Menerjemah... Al-Quran dilarang oleh penjajah. dan akhirnya Mbah Sholeh mempunyai strategi yaitu dengan menerjemahkanya dengan Huruf arab "Pegon" sehingga tidak dicurigai oleh penjajah.

Kitab tafsir dan terjemahan Qur’an itu diberi nama Kitab Faid ar-Rahman, tafsir pertama di Nusantara dalam bahasa Jawa dengan aksara Arab. Kitab ini pula yang dihadiahkannya kepada R.A. Kartini pada saat dia menikah dengan R.M. Joyodiningrat, seroang Bupati Rembang. Kartini amat menyukai hadiah itu dan mengatakan: “ Selama ini al-Fatihah gelap bagi saya. Saya tak mengerti sedikitpun maknanya. Tetapi sejak hari ini ia menjadi terang-benderang sampai kepada makna tersiratnya, sebab Romo Kyai telah menerangkannya dalam bahasa Jawa yang saya pahami.”

Melalui terjemahan Mbah Shaleh Darat itulah RA Kartini menemukan ayat yang amat menyentuh nuraninya: Orang-orang beriman dibimbing Allah dari gelap menuju cahaya (Q.S. al-Baqarah: 257). Dalam banyak suratnya kepada Abendanon, Kartini banyak mengulang kata “Dari gelap menuju cahaya” yang ditulisnya dalam bahasa Belanda: “Door Duisternis Toot Licht.” Oleh Armijn Pane ungkapan ini diterjemahkan menjadi “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang,” yang menjadi judul untuk buku kumpulan surat-menyuratnya.

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012


1.       Cek apakah computer anda terkena virus, cek dengan anti virus kesayangan anda.
2.       Hapus aplikasi-aplikasi yang tidak diperlukan.
3.       Hapus file-file yang tidak diperlukan dan backup data-data yang jarang digunakan ke CD/DVD agar kapasitas harddisk tidak penuh. Karena kapasitas harddisk yang penuh (terutama drive C) akan mempengaruhi kinerja system.
4.       Bersihkan registry-registry yang tidak digunakan.
5.       Minimalkan program yang aktif saat start up, jika perlu hapus program tersebut.
6.       Matikan service-service yang tidak perlu.
7.       Lakukan pembersihan file-file temporary.
8.       Lakukan defrag harddisk.

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Metode Untuk Melupakan Masa Lalu

Setiap orang pasti punya masa lalu, tapi jangan terlalu memikirkan dan menyesali dari masa lalu. Tanamkanlah dalam jiwa dan fikiranmu kalau masa lalu yang kelam itu adalah ibarat Nasi yang sudah busuk, karena apabila kita makan nasi tersebut malah bisa membuat kita sakit. Jadi, Makanlah nasi yang sudah ada dan sudah tersedia di depan anda yang masih baru matang tentu akan membuat anda sehat dan semangat mengerjakan kegiatan.
Dan tanamkanlah di jiwa dan fikiranmu kalau masa lalu yang indah itu sebagai sesuatu yang harus di simpan dalam peti dengan gembok yang besar. Dan anda simpan di dalam tanah.
Kalau kita pengen maju ya harus melangkah kedepan aliyas menatap masa depan, jangan melangkah kebelakang aliyas mikirin masa lalu ntar jadinya kita nggak maju-maju.
So, lupakan masa lalu, tatap masa depan.

Cara Membuat Subtitle indonesia Film-film Luar

kalau Udah capek-capek download, malah nggak dapet subtitlenya. hmmm.....
sante aja bos, masih banyak cara.
Begini caranya :
1. Cara saja atau download subtitle selain yang berbahasa Indonesia (file srt , jangan file lain).
2. Setelah download file srt tersebut, buka dengan program notepad atau klik filenya, kemudian open with dengan Notepad

3.Copy semua isinya dengan menyorot semua atau tekan CTRL + A, lalu tekan CTRL + C
4. Buka browser kesayangan kita, buka google translate
5. Jangan lupa setting dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia
6. Paste semua datanya dengan menekan CTRL V

7. Setelah muncul terjemahan bahasa Indonesia, sorot semua terjemahan, kemudian CTRL + C
8. Nah sekarang anda CTRL + V terjemahan tadi di Notepad, simpan dengan nama yang kita inginkan. Jangan lupa memberi “.srt” dibelakang nama file tadi.

9. Oh yah hampir lupa, tadi sewaktu kita menterjemahkan di google, tanda –> berubah menjadi ->
10.Sekarang buka kembali file terjemahannya di ms.word, klik CTRL + H, kemudian pilih Replace with. Jadi semua tanda -> kita rubah menjadi –>.

11.Selesailah cara mudah membuat Subtitle Berbahasa Indonesianya, tinggal finishingnya
12.trus setelah itu, simpan film dan subtitlenya dengan nama yang sama, jika belum sama tinggal di klik kanan dan rename aj.

13. selesai deh... tinggal nonton dengan sepuas hati...^_^

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Beberapa Cara Merawat HP Layar Sentuh

Sekarang bayak sekali dari produsen Hp yang menggunakan fitur layar sentuh, seperti Samsung Galaxy, Nokia, Nexian, dll.. dan permasalahan tentang layar sentuh pun banyak terjadi pada penggunanya.
 Maka, disini saya berbagi tips untuk merawat Hp layar sentuh anda,

Berikut ini cara merawat handphone layar sentuh atau touchscreen :

1. Gunakanlah screen protector atau plastik antik gores pada layar handphone.

2. Jauhkanlah handphone dari benda-benda yang mengandung medan magnet seperti radio, televisi,
dan benda-benda lain yang mengandung magnet.

3. Usahakan layar LCD tidak dalam keadaan kotor, dan jika layar itu kotor bersihkanlah dengan
menggunakan tissue atau kain yang halus.

4. Gunakanlah jari telunjuk untuk menggunakan layar, jangan menggunakan kuku untuk mengusap
layar ketika sedang menggunaka karena akan mengakibatkan layar tergores.

5. Hindarkan terkena sinar matahari secara langsung, karena akan merusak kualitas LCD tersebut.

6. Jangan menekan layar terlalu kencang, tekan layar sewajarnya saja.

7. Hindarkan dari tempat yang sempit dan menekan seperti saku celana jeans, karena akan cepat
merusak layar LCD jika terlalu sering menerima tekanan.

semoga bermanfaat.

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Hati yang tersakiti

aku datang di UKM rokhis kampus seakan2 sendirian, padahal sebenarnya mewakili gol myoritas' tapi gara2 rokhisnya di penuhi gol minoritas, jadi mereka memukuliku dengan dalil2 n pemahaman mereka. seakan2 malah aqw yg sesat, n g tau agama. aqw g mau mengeluarkan dalil2 pamungkas karena aqw g suka debat.

tp aqw harus tetap berdiri tegak, meski sendiri, demi memperjuangkan hak-hak gol islam yg mayoritas di indonesia.   

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

the role of television to education in Indonesia

electronic device is a very much we meet today, either electronically all over the place there, at home, school, college, office, even on the highway. because, once a very rapid development of electronics.

But here I will not discuss all the electronics, however, I will discuss it more specifically. And here I will be more focus on one type of electronics that are often owned by people of Indonesia, namely television.
Television than as media entertainment and information can also be used as a medium of education. As revealed by Darwanto in this book. This is because, television has its own characteristics that can not be owned by other mass media. Audio visual characteristics were much more pronounced role in affecting the audience, so it can be utilized by the state in ensuring the success of development in the field of education through television programs as a means of support.

Television became the most effective media in the run or socialized government programs. Governments that want literate society, able to use television as a medium of learning through shared learning programs. As the former until now in Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI).
Moreover, the advantages government uses television media in disseminating the program is easy and cheap operating costs. Besides, did not take long. The government only needs to use or choose certain hours and then people will watch it anyway. This is often done by President Soeharto, Indonesia when he led with his New Order.

Thus, the television is not only a major capital in creating and facilitate government programs in education and development only. More than that, the television can also be used as a venue for "closer" the ruler and his subjects.

Because television has many advantages in the subsequent development it can affect the attitudes, behaviors and thought patterns. However, because of these advantages, the television also can lead to things that are not desirable.

Like, the death of a student in West Java a few months ago. Because it is often seen impressions smackdown-style violence and the like many children imitate and eventually lead to unlawful activity.

Not only that, since private television often show horror film genre with a bandage wrapped in religion, many people are fooled and even new styles fall into error. Many people trapped by the storyline is packaged in such a way that it becomes very beautiful kemusyikan impressed even as things of worship get the reward.

Terjerumusnya public to television because of this media using one-way communication. This resulted in the audience become the subject of the patient. Furthermore, penontong made passive and must accept what is aired by the television.

The impact of this all is, the audience is able to rebel against what is presented. Viewers like hypnotized, so what they did without the knowledge or control of common sense. Thus, the audience becomes lazy and uncreative.

Criticism for a book written by Darwanto this is television that there are now more educated than not educate. That is, the program served the private television shows in general are the same. Not far from the theme, young romance (or even still in high school), mysticism, horror, good boy vs. bad boy and so on.

Darwanto opinion about television as a medium of education is because the current research and television stations are still limited. Only TVRI and two private television (RCTI and SCTV). However, even so, this book can be used as the momentum of history that the first television can contribute something valuable to the nation of Indonesia. That is able to create a new society with a variety of events that presents a series of materials that support the education world.

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012


I will introduce my self, my  name is Ahmad Hidayat,I am a person who has many hobbies. Such as reading, browsing the internet, hunting food, take a walk, listening to music, and others. but here, I'm not going to tell you about my hobby. Because time is limited. I will tell you the most I do.

The first one, I'll tell you about my hobbies are reading, I was the one who loves to read books, all the books I like to read. such as religious books, lessons, general knowledge, technology, internet, electronic, and others. but here I will focus on describing my hobbies are reading this with an example that I brought this book. This book entitled "The life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)". tell in this book about the life of the prophet Muhammad. I like to read this book because in addition I find out about the life and journey of the Prophet, I was also able to improve my english language skills, because this book in English. in it there are also some difficult vocabulary in the story.

My second hobby is hunting food, I was a young boy full of curiosity. I want to try all the food in Indonesia, and if I get to the whole world. and I take pictures of food and region of origin. There Timpan cuisine Aceh, there are "Porridge kampiun" of Sulawesi, there tempoyak of jambi, betutu of Bali, and papede of Maluku.

My third hobby is listening to music, I love listening to music, to me a world without music is empty. With listening a music besides I get a lot of fun, I can get more spirit than before.  Usually,  I listening a music in the morning with a up-beat song. That’s can give me a soul and spirit for facing a activities along day. Beside that can give me enjoy my own self and forget my problem in a moment. Better than listening a music lonely, it’s prefer to listening a music together with our friends just like my habit. Because with doing like that can created a lively atmosphere. of almost all types of music I like, like pop music, dangdut, jazz, rock, Nasyid, Rock. However, the most I like is pop music. pop music singer who I like is like Rossa, Melly, Crisye, Charly, and many more that others.

Hobbies that I like are surfing the internet, almost more than half the days I spend my time surfing the internet. on the internet I usually open the facebook, I like facebook because it can find and communicate with my friends who are far away. I can chat with each other together and comment on the status of each. besides facebook, I also like to open another site that is,, I like to open the site intu search for music, software, crack, etc. I think that 4shared is complete, all I'm looking for there. on the internet I can learn many things like elekronika and others, I also like to open the site fastNcheap, there is a lot of articles about the knowledge of both computer software or hardware, the article is also very easily understandable for both beginner and advanced levels. on the internet I can also download the movies that I like, starting from the beginning until now, many sites that provide movies for download, such as cinema-21,, or, all provide the movies nice things.

I usually surf the Internet on campus and in my home, if at the campus I use Wifi to connect, if at home I use a modem to connect, in addition to the connection, I also use some fatherly support applications comfort while surfing, such as browser mozilla forefox, I like mozilla because it's easy and faster connections than on other browsers. I also use CCleaner to remove the history or the other so I could be faster in surfing the internet. for application downloader, internet download manager I use, I use it because it can accelerate when I download from the Internet, Internet download manager is very easy to use and very powerful, because it can get into the site modulation musi, movie, or would I download an application.

And my last hobby is to take a walk, I love it because it can refresh my mind after several days of activity. I usually take a walk on the weekend, I did that with my girlfriend or sometimes alone. many experiences and lessons that I get when take a walk. I usually take a walk in Semarang and the surrounding area, like kudus, Jepara, kendal, starch, purwodadi, etc., I like the near future because of more efficient and a lot of nice scenery, such as mountains, beaches, hills and other .

That’s all my Speak, If any mistakes I beg your pardon, thank you very much for all of the listener, the last I say Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.